cathodoluminescence, time-resolved cathodoluminescence, webinar • 1

Studying photon emission statistics with time-resolved cathodoluminescence: webinar

Join our guest speaker from AMOLF in the upcoming webinar to better understand time-resolved cathodoluminescence.

Are you interested in studying the dynamics of materials with time-resolved cathodoluminescence? In this webinar our invited speaker, Magda Solà Garcia from AMOLF will talk about how autocorrelation (g(2)(τ)) measurements are used to study electron excitation and photon emission statistics in a material.

In cathodoluminescence (CL), g(2)(τ) measurements can be used to extract the emitter lifetime and the electron interaction probability, thus offering an alternative tool for material characterization. During this webinar Magda, who is a PhD student at AMOLF, will present a simple model to extract these parameters, and discuss the application of g(2)(τ) measurements using continuous, ns-pulsed and ultrafast (ps) pulsed electron beams.

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Join the webinar if you would like to learn more about:

  • time-resolved cathodoluminescence fundamentals
  • g(2) measurements in CL
  • analytical models and experiments for measurements done with continuous electron beam, pulsed electron beam and ultrashort (ps) electron pulses

Magda will be joined by our regular speaker Sangeetha Hari, an application specialist at Delmic, who will introduce the concept of time-resolved CL and explain how time-resolved measurements can be performed with the CL detection system.

Eager to learn more about time-resolved CL in the meantime? Make sure to watch our previous webinar explaining the fundamentals of time-resolved cathodoluminescence.

Studying photon excitation and emission statistics with time-resolved cathodoluminescence

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Vera Lanskaya