cathodoluminescence, webinar • 2

What results can you get by conducting cathodoluminescence imaging on semiconductors?

Join the next cathodoluminescence (CL) webinar and discuss CL imaging results of semiconductor samples

We are excited to announce the 5th session of the webinar series "Cathodoluminescence Fundamentals" on the topic of "Cathodoluminescence imaging for semiconductors", taking place on the 15th of September at 1PM (CEST).

Cathodoluminescence (CL) is a versatile technique for studying of optical properties with deep sub-wavelength resolution. CL spectroscopy, angle-resolved imaging and polarimetry are great techniques, in particular, for probing and understanding important properties of semiconductor materials both in bulk and micro/nanostructured form.

In this webinar, our Applications Specialist Sangeetha Hari will present exciting results from CL imaging in the field of semiconductors, and explain the hardware and imaging parameters involved.

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If the time of the demonstration doesn't fit you, don't worry, you will be able to access the recording later on.

Sign up for the whole webinar series to receive an update about the last session "Correlative Cathodoluminescence Electron Microscopy (CCLEM)" in October and the recordings of all sessions by the end of the series.

You can watch the previous webinar sessions below:

Jingyue Liu