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Meet Delmic in the upcoming 2020 Q1 events

For those who would like to know Delmic better and talk to our experts in person, we are here to tell you about the upcoming events and conferences that Delmic will attend. Our experts are excited and ready to share our latest insights with you soon!


2nd Workshop on Cathodoluminescence and Electron Beam Induced Current of Semiconductor Nanostructures

Institut Neel, Grenoble, France

16-18 March

Meet Delmic cathodoluminescence (CL) experts Toon Coenen and Sangeetha Hari at our booth. They will be joined by our French distributor, Eden.

What is this workshop about?

Just as its name implies, this workshop will focus on CL spectroscopy and EBIC imaging in scanning and transmission electron microscopes, the well-adapted techniques for investigating both the optical and electrical properties of semiconductor nanostructures with an adequate spatial resolution. In recent years, the focus of this field has shifted from planar quantum well structures to three-dimensional nanostructures. In this context, the correlation of cathodoluminescence results with a variety of other electron microscopy techniques, among them energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy as well as electron backscatter diffraction, has resulted in new insights in the chemical or microstructural characteristics of these nanostructures.

More details


12th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference (APMC-2020)

Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India

3-7 February

Delmic will be present together with Emsis Asia, one of our distributors, and our application specialist Sangeetha Hari will be there to answer all your questions.

What is APMC?

The APMC is an International event organised every four years under the auspices ofCAPSM–Committee of Asia-Pacific Society for Microscopy (comprising of 17 countries).

It is anticipated that over a thousand scientists, researchers and students using different microscopy tools and technique s across the world will be attending the conference. There will be ten parallel sessions along with plenary and keynote lectures by world-renowned speakers to present the advancement in microscopy along with the new findings in materials and life sciences using different microscopic techniques. Moreover, a large-scale interactive exhibition will be held where electron microscope suppliers will present and demonstrate the new technologies implemented in their instruments.

More details

26th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis (ACMM)

National Convention Centre Canberra, Australian

16-20 February

Meet Delmic’s sales representative Daan van Oosten Slingeland at the booth of our Australian distributor, AXT Pty Ltd Technologies to learn more about our products and solutions.

What is ACMM?

This conference will be about bringing together colleagues from life sciences and physical sciences and working together towards new visions and goals in microscopy. It aims to build a strong program for the conference based on advances in electron and light microscopy and microscopy-enabled research in life sciences and physical sciences.

More details

If you are interested in the latest microscopy developments and willing to talk with microscopy experts from all over the world, register as soon as you can and we will see you there!

