event • 2

Delmic at microscopy events this summer

sample secom

The summer is coming to its end so we would like to share all the exciting microscopy events we participated in recently. 

The beginning of June was very productive for us: together with our distributors we had a chance to participate in two events, a Multimodal analysis for geology workshop in France and SCANDEM in Sweden. Together with our French distributor EDEN we talked about the possibilities of the SPARC system for geological applications. In SCANDEM we were a part of correlative light and electron microscopy workshop, during which we organised a live demonstration of the SECOM system. A similar online live demonstration will take place next week. You can still register for it here. 


clem workshop

On the 15th and 16th of July our application specialists Sangeetha and Job presented Delmic at Crick Symposium, which was organised by our close collaborator and customer The Francis Crick Institute. It was a great way to talk about the possibilities of SECOM and our current work on automated large scale acquisition. 

Finally, together with our US distributor Nanoscience Instruments we visited M&M, one of the biggest events of the year. It was a great way to catch up and talk about out newer products, such as JOLT.

We are very excited about a few upcoming events, including a workshop which we will announce very soon. Please stay updated with our events newsletter. 
