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New features in our open-source software ODEMIS

Delmic open-source software ODEMIS

We are continuously working on our open-source software ODEMIS, which is used for data acquisition and analysis with our CL systems (SPARC Spectral, SPARC Compact, JOLT) and CLEM systems (SECOM, DELPHI).

The version of ODEMIS (v3.1.1) includes several updates and new features. Here are the most prominent ones:

  • Live update of the SEM acquisition is now possible on the SPARC systems. This means that you can track drift, charging or any other issue in live mode, during the acquisition. This adds up to the live update feature of the CL detector, which had been introduced in the previous version.

  • Two new tools were added for the image analysis: a new label tool in the analysis tab and an option to show the raw value of the pixel while hovering on it with the cursor. 



  • Each SPARC system’s stream now has independent settings for the axes (such as filter and centre wavelength), which allows batch acquisitions with different settings.
  • The manual focus mode is introduced for the SPARC alignment. Additionally, during auto-focus the image of every detector is shown. This new update is aimed to give you more confidence in the acquisition quality, and allow you to start imaging as fast as possible.


  • With the new update you are able to store all settings and positions of all components in the acquisition metadata. With this stored information about the conditions of acquisition, it is now easier to compare the results or re-acquire an image.
  • With the new plugin you can import three greyscale images as RGB channels, which allows using ODEMIS Viewer as a post-processing tool for JOLT RGB users.

Finally, we made sure that the peak detection and the display of the light power on fluorescence microscopy are now more precise. The new update also makes it possible to export very large images to PNG.

To update ODEMIS viewer for Windows please click below. For updating ODEMIS on the microscope, please launch the software updater on the microscope computer.

Download the latest version of ODEMIS viewer

Vera Lanskaya