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SPARC, paper review • 1 min reading time

New paper using the SPARC published in Advanced Materials


A paper recently published in Advanced Materials demonstrates a method for creating extended nanostructures of monocrystalline materials.

Nanocubes were epitaxially connected at the atomic level to form structures which have optical properties and conductivity that make it possible to implement these structures in optoelectric devices. The optical properties of these nanostructures were characterized using cathodoluminescence imaging spectroscopy.

This research was conducted at FOM Institute AMOLF and made use of the SPARC, Delmic’s SEM cathodoluminescence detection system.

Advanced Materials is one of the most prestigious journals on materials science. This research is part of a wider trend in which the SPARC is becoming increasingly recognized as a valuable tool for research on materials, geology, and optics. To learn more about the application of the SPARC for materials science, click here.

Kaitlin van Baarle