SECOM, correlative light and electron microscopy • 3

Correlative light and electron microscopy on SECOM platform: benefits for the research

How can your research benefit from correlative light and electron microscopy? Why is this technique becoming increasingly attractive to many scientists in different fields of research? This is the main focus of the newest video, in which our application specialist Sangeetha Hari explains the main advantages of correlative light and electron microscopy on the SECOM, a unique microscopy solution for life sciences

As Sangeetha mentions in the video, this type of correlative imaging technique provides the advantages of both fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy. In addition, it overcomes several disadvantages of each technique such as long time to acquire the images with a good signal-to-noise ratio, difficulties in overlaying images, losing context from transferring instruments, and poor data accuracy. Furthermore, SECOM is the perfect tool to study the complex relation between form and function in biology. 

In March you have a chance to participate in hands-on sessions with SECOM during the workshop, which will demonstrate all the possibilities of iCLEM for gaining additional data. Our application specialist Sangeetha will be one of the speakers, so you will have a chance to ask her any question you might have. 

If you are interested, we kindly ask you to sign up as soon as possible as spots for the hands-on sessions are limited. The attendance is free. You can register and see the preliminary program by clicking on the button below.

We invite you to read more about the SECOM and correlative light and electron microscopy. Learn more about it from brochure with the exact specifications, which you can download below:


